Neurofeedback is a non-invasive brain training that uses real-time monitoring of brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain function.

Watch this video where the author of the book "Neurofeedback 101" explain what neurofeedback is all about.

I offer NeurOptimal® neurofeedback.

NeurOptimal® Explainer Video

NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that offers training to the brain, enabling it to function at its best. It’s mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system and has been called “the most effective bio-hack on this planet”. Hype aside however, NeurOptimal® does have a long and venerable history with well over THREE MILLION HOURS of safe and effective usage.
Neurofeedback is suitable for individuals of all ages, from children to adults. It can be beneficial for addressing a wide range of issues such as anxiety, ADHD, sleep problems, and more.
The number of recommended neurofeedback sessions can vary depending on individual goals and needs. A typical course of neurofeedback training may involve multiple sessions over a period of several weeks or months. Of course, some individuals may have very challenging conditions and circumstances that may require years of neurofeedback. Most of my clients, however, notice a positive change as soon as their very first session.
If you are brand new to neurofeedback, I recommend buying a package of 3 sessions (spaced out weekly) as a way to try it out and see what it will do for you.


“After four months of neurofeedback, 10-year-old boy’s drawings of his family reflect increasing neurological development, developing sense of self.” – Sebern Fisher, from Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma 
There are 3 ways of how you can use neurofeedback which will effect pricing:

  1. You can attend in-office sessions.
  2. You can rent neurofeedback equipment for home use.
  3. You can invest in purchasing your own neurofeedback equipment to use for years to come. 
There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each client’s needs and situation are unique. If you live in or near the Portland Metro area, I recommend starting with in-office sessions but for longer term use switch to a rental or a purchase option. 
While I am not able to bill insurance (read here why), if you have a health savings account (HSA) or flexible savings account (FSA) designed to pay for health-related expenses not covered by insurance, you may be able use it toward neurofeedback/biofeedback and save money.

If you are not sure if neurofeedback is right for you, try our discounted new client starter package. Because one session is not enough to see lasting results (just like you are not likely to see major improvements after one workout at the gym), I offer a 3-session package to get a better "feel" of how neurofeedback can help. Book your first session here.

Other ways to save is to rent a system for home use. The rental cost per session can be as low (or lower) as your insurance co-pay!
Your NeurOptimal® trainer will have you fill out a survey form listing the complaints and/or challenges that have brought you into their office.

You (or your child) will then be placed in a quiet space and in a comfortable position. The trainer will attach special sensors to your head that will feed your brain wave patterns into the NeurOptimal® program’s software.


A neurofeedback training session is relaxing, enjoyable and typically lasts about 30 minutes. As the session starts, you will hear music play though headphones and perhaps watch relaxing geometric images gently morph across a computer screen. You will hear occasional “skips” or interruptions in the music – this is the signal that prompts your brain to “reset” and optimize itself. Instead of listening to the relaxing music, children may choose to watch a movie.

At the end of a session, clients often report feeling less stressed and more mentally clear. Many users experience deeper sleep and vivid dreams after their very first session.

If you are interested in trying this modality, take advantage of the new client specials and try a discounted mini-package of 3 sessions.
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is safe for anyone to use.  Why?  Because NOTHING is being added to your brain.

The training works by alerting your automatic functioning part of the brain to its own actions (this part controls the fear response, flight/flight/freeze, sleep, attentiveness, executive functioning, etc.) so it can ‘see’ its own maladaptive patterns.

Because the brain is designed to be responsive to new information, when the NeurOptimal Neurofeedback System alerts the brain to it’s own functioning the brain will naturally tweak itself to be the most efficient and effective response. It’s as if the brain, upon being alerted to it’s own behavior says “hey, I’m about to produce a stress response when I’m sitting in a safe space. That’s not efficient or an appropriate response. I’m going to change what I’m doing.”
Your very first in-take appointment would typically take 1 hour to an hour and 15 minutes to review your goals and answer questions as well as for the neurofeedback session itself. The actual full session of neurofeedback is 33 minutes. The follow-up appointments are 45 minutes long.

For parents bringing their children to neurofeedback I offer to split the very first session in half and allow the adult to try neurofeedback on themselves first. This allows children who might be a little nervous to see their parent enjoy the session before getting one themselves. My goal is to make you (and your child) as comfortable as possible.

If you have any special requests or need accommodations, please tell me!
Info video: Do neurofeedback benefits last?

Training with NeurOptimal® is actually a learning task. You get results because your brain is actively learning, even if you are not doing the learning consciously. So much like reading, once your brain knows how to read, it can’t “not know”. Your brain doesn’t forget. It may get rusty, but the effects of learning remain throughout your lifetime.

However, your brain is living tissue and you can— and will— get "knocked off" by stress, by chemicals, by alcohol, by an anesthetic, or by the difficult daily lives we all seem to live. The wonderful thing is, a few booster sessions will get you back to where you were. A "neurofeedback trained brain" is quickly able to utilize the information NeurOptimal® is offering. It's as if the brain says "I know what to do with this!" and it goes through all the steps it went through in the weeks of initial training, but very rapidly. So you quickly get back into your good place.

If you are going through a more difficult time, you can quickly do a session or two to recover your optimal flow and functioning.
Medical practitioners often use biofeedback to improve a particular physiological activity, for example if you constantly clench you jaw you may go to the clinic where you can receive a biofeedback treatment.

Neurofeedback, however, is a specific type of biofeedback that utilizes the power of the brain as the master controller of the whole body. Therefore, many people can achieve the same and even greater results by using neurofeedback rather than biofeedback equipment.
During our in-person intake consultation we can discuss your individualized goals and concerns. If you are looking for a counselor or a therapist, I may refer you to one based on your needs and interests. Many clients who combine neurofeedback with counseling are able to address their issues on a much deeper level and make quicker progress than those who do just neurofeedback or just counseling alone.

In addition to being a certified NeurOptimal® practitioner, I also offer Access Bars® energy sessions which can be done in the same appointment for enhanced results.

I often ask my clients about their diet and healthy lifestyle choices and recommend health supplements to enhance or maintain their brain performance. One of my own favorites is Omega 3 oils.

On the Products page you can find a couple of trusted partners that offer high quality brain supplements. Click the button below to see the suggested products list.
The NeurOptimal® proprietary neurofeedback system is a highly personalized brain training software that prompts the central nervous system to help make the best use of your brain’s neural resources.

Neurofeedback training for the brain is similar to physical training for the body. Much of our suffering comes from pervasive recurring thoughts and feelings in which our minds become emotionally stranded or cognitively “stuck”.

Neurofeedback prompts the brain to draw from its existing resources and pull itself out of these mental “ruts”. The result is a more open and positive mindset in which obstacles are more manageable and problems more resolvable.

Much like a mirror that promotes self-correction, NeurOptimal®’s proprietary neurofeedback program monitors your brain waves and then provides “feedback” to your central nervous system about what it has just done. When the software detects a tremor in your brain wave pattern, it sends an audible signal that encourages the brain to “reset” and self-correct.